The Kava Shop

Your friendly kava supplier

Quality Kava Sessions with Original, Organic Vanuatu Kava

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"Lost Island" Kava, packed with history and Vanuatu's secret treasure and most potent is our specialty kava.
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A Kava Cocktail

Our customers who use instant Kava to help them sleep well have requested on many occasions a way of making instant Kava brews that would reduce the peppery taste. 
As a result I have tried this recipe and now making it available to them and to all out there who love the Kava feeling but not taste.



1 Tablespoon
1/2 Glass Lemonade
1/2 Glass Orange Juice
Mix lemonade and orange juice in a large glass. Stir to remove most of the fizz. Add the 1 Table spoon of Instant kava powder. Stir slowly so as to ensure the Kava does not fall out of the of the glass due to fizz bubbling to the surface. Clean bubbles off the top of drink with cloth or other suitable material. Your Kava cocktail is ready. Be sure to stir before sipping as Kava lactones will settle to bottom of glass. It is best to use a straw as it can be used for stirring as well.

Whilst the supply side of Kava from Vanuatu has been severely reduced by Tropical Cyclone Pam in 2015, resulting in the rapid increase in Kava prices, we are doing our part to maintain our prices at a reasonable rate for our valued customers. Your contributions through buying Kava at JustPacific Trading continues to support farmers in Vanuatu, recover, rebuilt, and of course, replant their kava stocks. Thank you all and we look forward to serving you  good quality Vanuatu kava for many more years to come!
Quality Kava at JustPacific Trading, Lower Hutt
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mobile: 0276618840/0210484458
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